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Isnin, 26 November 2007

for all the 'G2RIAN' :-)

ok..mcm yang sudah dijanjikan,i will update the news about G2 during holiday. this is the pics about G2 again. sempat juga ambil gambar para atlit yang bersungguh-sungguh berlatih untuk sukan tahun depan..untuk pengetahuan semua warga G2 yang sdg cuti-cuti Malaysia tu, dia org ni rajin datang latihan...wah! sangat membanggakan semangat bersukan dan sudah tentulah mahu merealisasikan impian G2...'Go for the Gold!'.

Selain itu, 'signboard' G2 pun sudah ditukar dengan cantiknya...sama-sama kita menjaga G2 supaya sentiasa kekal cantik dan seterusnya menjadi sekolah contoh dan membanggakan satu hari nanti.

Sabtu, 24 November 2007

Happy Holiday!..cuti-cuti Malaysia

wow!..ok..oleh kerana blog ini dalam bahasa's ok kalau campur2 juga kan...well...semua orang dalam cuti2 Malaysia sekarang ataupun 'holiday fever' :-) dan mesti blog ini jarang dilawati oleh sesiapa kan? tiada yang rindu kah dengan sekolah?..hahahaa...ok..lah gambar2 ini untuk semua yang teringatkan G2..kalau ada lah...aah..o ya!..dalam cuti2 ini pun ada juga students datang ke sekolah, tapi sorry tidak sempat ambil gambar dia orang ni. dia org ni adalah atlit2 sekolah yang terlibat dengan latihan intensif semasa cuti..congrats! to all the teachers who are involved...dengar2 kampung Moi and BJ pun ada..hehehe..rajinnya..apa2 pun GO FOR GOLD for next year...yeah! G2 hebat! G2 hebat!

Isnin, 12 November 2007


Be good to yourself. Keep physically fit and rested. Attitude is all-important. Use positive affirmations: "I can pass American History." Provide your own psychological edge, be it a positive attitude or a "lucky pen." Be a chronic enthusiast! Used textbooks may provide insights on a course. Sit in the front row; if you must sit toward the back of the room, lean forward. Attentiveness and concentration increase markedly. Don’t miss the first and last minutes of class. They are crucial — important announcements, questions on test, excuse a variety of study techniques. a. Tape chapters. Listen to tape on way to school, work. b. Use index cards for quick review. Keep them simple. Remember: frequent review takes facts from short-term memory to long-term memory — learning as opposed to cramming. Study in short bursts. (First and last facts are remembered best; therefore, it will accelerate learning.)Review notes immediately after class. Even for five minutes. Something magical happens! Review your notes out loud. Read your chapters out loud. Appearance raises grades. Neatness counts. Word processors are a plus. If handwritten, use erasable pen. Don’t waste time rereading. Rely on "pen in hand" and SQ3R.Test professors before they test you. Ask questions about what kind of test to expect, what material will be covered. Become an expert test taker. Go with initial hunches. Stay with initial hunches. Study according to your biological clock. Are you "normal," a night owl, or an early bird? Eliminate stress in your life. EXERCISE is the best antidote. Make extra credit mandatory. Never miss a class. This is considered mandatory by "A" students. Be prepared to bail out. Don't be afraid to drop a course that is not working for you. Volunteer to edit a friend's paper. Use it as a learning experience. Study smart—not hard! Time management skills and discipline pay off. Stay mentally, physically and spiritually fit.

Isnin, 5 November 2007


Teen challengers

Now a day we can see in news, talk about our teenagers’ problem. And we also can see around us how their react with each other. There are a lot of changes in their selves whether in physical, emotional and also social behaviour, these will effect to their mentally health. They will react like man or woman and they want us to treat them as a matured one.

Teenagers’ Problems

There are some of the teenagers’ problems that always disturbed their mind. Most of them are confused with their role in society; they do not know what to do so that they do not feel bored and confused with themselves. They also do not know what their responsibility even in their family is. They want a full attention and also treating like an important person. There is a lot thing they wanted to do and this bring a confusing to them.

Some of them always feel that their selves are misunderstanding with people around them and if a problem occurred they feel that people also will blame them. They inclined to believe that they would not be trusted with their parents whatever they wanted to do. There is no discussion and most of them do not like to tell about their feeling to other people especially with their parents, they are inclined to closeness.

Most of the time, they feel they are treating not fair by their parents and this will bring a child that a rebellious nature. That is why we always heard about the teenagers’ rebel against their parents. They wanted to show the true picture about their selves and telling that people should treat them as a matured man or woman.

When they feel lonely they will tell their selves that no one loves them and it is too hard to understand their emotion. And this will bring a conflict in them; they try to find something to ‘break’ their loneliness. They always feel confused about everything around them. Most of them are hard to make a decision and do not know what is the best for themselves. They are so easy influenced by other people especially their friends. Some of them even shared their problems with their close friend rather than shared it to their parents. They have a great of trust to their friends... to solve this problem?


This is one of the activities during the celebration of teachers’ day, ‘tug and war’ among the teachers. It was very fun and we did not care who’s going to win the game, the most important was the spirit among the teachers. I can see that all the teachers really enjoyed and had fun. All the activities organized by the prefects of SMKG2, just imagine that, they are only 14 years old. Yeah!... well done! to all the teachers of SMKG2 because of their commitment that time and also very sporting.